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New Seasonal Challenge at TARDIS Library
TARDIS Library's new Seasonal Challenge is Character Surprise! (Get a randomised list of Who characters; rec some fanworks featuring them.) Find out more and sign up here.

You can also leave requests for recs you would like to and post recs for our current monthly theme - and anyone can make any recs for any Doctor Who-related fanworks at the comm at any time! See here for more info + posting templates.
And, of course, feel free to come and join or to browse the comm & tags for something excellent and Who-related to read/watch/look at/listen to. It's what we're here for!

You can also leave requests for recs you would like to and post recs for our current monthly theme - and anyone can make any recs for any Doctor Who-related fanworks at the comm at any time! See here for more info + posting templates.
And, of course, feel free to come and join or to browse the comm & tags for something excellent and Who-related to read/watch/look at/listen to. It's what we're here for!
Public Call: Doctor Who Secret Santa - sign-ups open

- sign up to write a story about two or more Whovian characters someone else has requested
- receive a story with a relationship you have requested
Sign-ups: 3rd - 17th October
Deadline: 22nd November
Posting period: starting on 1st December
Sign-ups are open now.
More info: Schedule, Rules and FAQ
The Awakening Storm - new(ish) story
The Awakening Storm - new(ish) story
It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here but I’m back with a new story! I hope everyone is safe and healthy during this crazy time of pandemic!
The Doctor and Donna finally take Wilfred on that much promised trip in the Tardis, but the winds of prophecy are blowing through the universe stronger than ever. The pieces are falling into place but will the Doctor figure the puzzle out in time to save a race from extinction?
Part 3 of the Phoenix Universe (Rating may change in later chapters)
Not for Rose lovers
New Seasonal Challenge at TARDIS Library - Reccer's Bingo!
TARDIS Library's new Seasonal Challenge is our annual Reccer's Bingo. You can find out more details and sign up for a card here.

You can also leave requests for recs you would like to and post recs for our current monthly theme - and, of course, general recs for any Doctor Who-related fanworks are welcome at any time! See here for more info + posting templates.
Plus, feel free to come and join or to browse the comm & its tags for something excellent and Who-related to read/watch/look at/listen to. It's what we're here for!

You can also leave requests for recs you would like to and post recs for our current monthly theme - and, of course, general recs for any Doctor Who-related fanworks are welcome at any time! See here for more info + posting templates.
Plus, feel free to come and join or to browse the comm & its tags for something excellent and Who-related to read/watch/look at/listen to. It's what we're here for!
[Drabble] "Jammy Love" [G]
Title: Jammy Love
Author: Ami Ven
writerverse phase 21, challenge 01, prompt 17 ‘love never ends’
Word Count: 434
Fandom: Doctor Who
Character(s): Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond
Summary: “There are species that live longer than humans, aren’t there?”
LINK(S): on LJ & on AO3
Author: Ami Ven

Word Count: 434
Fandom: Doctor Who
Character(s): Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond
Summary: “There are species that live longer than humans, aren’t there?”
LINK(S): on LJ & on AO3
New Seasonal Challenge at TARDIS Library!
TARDIS Library's new Seasonal Challenge is Claim a Character. Simply choose a character from the Whoniverse and rec 5-15 works of any type featuring them to complete the challenge - see the challenge post for details. (Open for claiming and posting until 13th March 2020).

You can also leave requests for recs you would like to and post recs for our current monthly theme - see here for more info.
And, of course, any general recs for any Doctor Who-related fanworks are also welcome at any time! Please feel free to come and join in or just poke around in the rec posts for something excellent to read/watch/look at/listen to.

You can also leave requests for recs you would like to and post recs for our current monthly theme - see here for more info.
And, of course, any general recs for any Doctor Who-related fanworks are also welcome at any time! Please feel free to come and join in or just poke around in the rec posts for something excellent to read/watch/look at/listen to.